Is democracy ready for a post-1.5° society?

Welcome to a world where the threshold of 1.5 degrees, the benchmark we agreed in Paris on to contain, has been surpassed. A world where all coral reefs have bleached. Greenland, once covered with majestic ice, now lays bare. Warmth now envelops our planet. Extreme weather events, are now the norm, but still unpredictable and unmerciful.

We hover on the brink, but not yet plunged beyond the existential threshold. There is still room for action, a horizon of possibility, a sliver of hope. The question that lingers: will we, can we, seize this moment of action through democratic means, or will we let the tide dictate our course?

In this post-1.5° world, democracy should not be a luxury but a necessity, an adaptive and responsive vessel through which the collective wisdom of humanity can be harnessed. Yet, the challenges are monumental. We are not just threatened by rising tides but by the fragmentation of voices, the cacophony of corporate interests, fears, and growing disillusionment with democracy. Democracy is accused of inertia and complacency. The postponed actions, the unmet promises. People question its efficacy. Can a system, flawed by delays and compromises, really rise to the challenge of steering humanity away from this catastrophe?

In case you thought bleached coral reefs would end climate skepticism, you are wrong. In the post-1.5° society denial, apathy, and short-term interests still rule. The science of climate change is now a complete and total battleground. Hope lies in the democratization of science, that bridging gaps between abstract global concepts and tangible local experiences. Citizenship in “citizen science” is finally taken seriously, and fostering agency and empowerment. In the post-1.5° world every observation becomes a voice, every voice contributes to the mobilization of the collective.

The politics of water – once an overlooked element of democracy - has surged to the forefront of societal discourse. As the planet warms and water scarcity looms, data centers – the contemporary cathedrals - are under scrutiny. A pressing question emerges: do we really want to trade the fertile fields that nourish our bodies for the digital landscapes that entertain our minds? Do we let watching cat videos enter into competition with the fundamental need for food?

This world, where the tides are rising and the corals are silent, is fundamentally a call to move beyond sustainability, to step into a space where we don’t just preserve but revitalize. You need to change your mindset from destructor to steward of this beautiful planet. Take responsibility, not just for the present but for the generations to come. In a post-1.5° world, regeneration is our pathway to redemption.

post-1.5° projects

We are currently developing projects that address the Post-1.5° Society. Stay tuned