what if chatbots could vote?

If chatbots could vote, which Dutch party would they vote for in the parliamentary elections? When I spoke to Gaspard Bos about the idea to analyze the political orientation of chatbots, he was immediately drawn in.

The results give insights in the political leaning of the popular AI services Chat GPT, Llama and Bison. Moreover, the research also gave some insights in how strong that opinion is. The chatbots were asked to reply to a political statement from the Stemwijzer voting advice app, ten times for each statement.

The graph below summarizes the results. Read more in the full article on the political orientation of chatbots on Medium, respond on Gaspard's LinkedIn post or explore the code in the PoliLean_NL Github repo.

Figure 1: Stemwijzer results for Chat GPT, Llama 2 and Palm
Figure 1: Stemwijzer results for Chat GPT, Llama 2 and Palm

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