Democracy in Transition LinkedIn Group

Democratic legitimacy is needed for transitions. Crisis or not, skip democracy and sooner or later you'll get the lid slammed on your nose. So, we need future visions that are so attractive that people want to vote for them.

Interested in the interplay between democracy and societal transitions? Then this new LinkedIn group is for you. Share your ideas, discuss the democratic challenges and opportunities of the post-modern, post-industrial, post-growth, post-binary, post-colonial, post-digital, post-normal, etc., or in other words, the Post-X era. How do you get a society to go along with this and keep democratic values intact?

Whether you are a professional, researcher, activist, policy maker, or just someone with an interest in societal change, your insights and experiences are very welcome in the new LinkedIn Group "Democracy in Transition." Big or small. It doesn't matter.

Together we can develop future visions and devise strategies to realize them!

Want to join the conversation? Join the Democracy in Transition group